Our mission is to fill medical gaps, build medical capability and provide needed supporting services via transformational participant experiences inspired by the teachings of Christ.
VISION STATEMENT: – The Belize People are self-sustaining in achieving quality health care
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Belize, formerly British Honduras, is a country with 380,000 residents in Central America. A two hour plane ride from the U.S. border, this land is rich in beauty and attractive to tourists the world over. The people of Belize are proud of their rich history and culture and are extremely pleasant partners.
Belizeans desire and welcome the support and partnership of others who can help them build better systems through their own government, churches, and civic organizations.
Some of the most dire partnership needs currently being requested include medical specialists not affordable in a country of such small population base and per capita income.
The ultimate goal of these partnerships is to help Belizeans to grow to the place of self sufficiency.